NUNCHAKU Nunchaku was originally designed as a tool that was used to thresh rice (separating the grain from the husk). Its development ... ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ
FITNESS – TRX The Muscle strengthening with straps or else TRX is a type of exercise that uses gravity and the weight of your ... ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ
SELF DEFENSE Self-defense is the way one protects oneself from attack by his own actions or means. Through courses and learn techniques to ... ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ
GYMNASTICS – CHEERLEADING Cheerleading is a team sport, fun, full of energy, about loud music and combines perfectly the joy gymnastics and dance. It ... ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ
HEADONG GUMDO The martial art of sword in Korea is a knowledge for five thousand years with the name (GUMSUL CUMBUP). Designed and ... ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ
TAEBO TAE-BO (tae kwon do dance) is a sport that combines taekwondo and aerobics, dancing and loud music. This combination helps to ... ΠΕΡΙΣΣΟΤΕΡΑ