Kukkiwon Master 7th DAN TKD WTF (World Taekwondo Federation)
5th DAN TAEKWONDO I.T.F (International Taekwondo Federation)
3rd DAN HAPKIDO (Instructor of Korea Hapkido Federation)
3rd DAN HAPKIDO (Instructor of World Police Martial at Federation)
1st DAN HAEDONG KUMDO (Instructor of World Police Martial at Federation)
Qualified coach class B of the General Secretariat of Sports
Graduate Coach of ETU (European Taekwondo union)
Qualified Referee A’ category (Greek Taekwondo Federation)
Qualified Referee technical taekwondo C’ category ELOT (Greek Taekwondo Federation)
Former Instructor Military Military Academy TKD
Member of Kukkiwon (Individual Kukkiwon Member)
Supervisor Secretariat of the Sport of Taekwondo in the Olympics of 2004 (secretariat supervisor in Athens 2004 olympic games)
Practice license from the Secretary General